Debt Isn’t Worth It.
Nothing is more draining and humiliating than being in debt. Spend below your means. Save money. Live free. The less stuff you have, the...
The Morning After the Oscars.
By now, you’ve all probably heard about what happened at the Oscars last night. I watched up until 11pm before falling asleep and missed...
Lean towards the light.
As the sun moves, sunflowers are known to orient themselves with the sun. They follow the direction of the light, wherever it may lead....
Self-awareness is an absolute must. For everyone. Everywhere.
Essentially, the more you pay attention to your emotions and how you work, the better you'll understand why you do the things you do. The...
1 thing. Every day.
Would you agree that you learn something new or learn more about something/someone each day? Would you also agree that social media...
Yanique Griffiths And The Vision Project Company
There are many great quotes out there about the importance of having a vision, but perhaps the most powerful one is from the Good Book:...
Let Valentine's Day Begin
We have our favorite Valentine’s Day gift ideas! Here are a few! 1. Anyone follow Johanna on Instagram? She has amazing ideas for nail...
KAE Spreads Love Locally!
KAE collaborated with First Community Church of the Nazarene's young adult group Saturday, February 11th to sit, chat, and decorate cards...
The goal is not to appear kind.
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson Last night I...
Will we see you in Brooklyn tonight?
KAE was asked to be part of the Pink Cover book release packages. What is Pink Cover you ask? It is the fourth book by Author and...