Gratitude Multiplies Happiness.
Consciously focusing on all you have rather than thinking about what you don’t have is a far better use of brain power. Gratitude fosters...

Bloom Where You're Planted.
Spring has officially started! The flowers are starting to show, the weather is better and there's a sudden urgency within all of us to...

Travel Expands You.
Travel makes you are more interesting, insightful, and accepting person. It expands you, enlightens you, and teaches you about the...

Grace and Mercy.
While doing my daily scroll of pinterest, a quote spoke to me: "Grace is having a relationship with someone's heart, not their...

Friendships are Voluntary Relationships.
My family is very close. My mother always tells me, "If you consider yourself a friend to someone, make sure that you are actually being...

Our Body is a Parcel.
I believe our body is a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in...

What Is Your Assignment For Today?
People look for ways to change the world later, but we have the tools to do it today. When we open our eyes and see the blessings of a...

You Aren’t Always Right.
We think we have the answers, know what’s right and wrong, good and bad, best for ourselves and other people. But we aren’t always right....

Give Your Body A Break.
On my vision board for 2017, a phrase is plastered in the very center: "Give Your Body A Break." Too often, we stretch ourselves to...

Be Grateful.
Be grateful for this moment, it is all there is. Live loved. Post any pic that relates to today's post with the hashtag #1thingeveryday...