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'No' is a Holy Word.

We saw this on one of our favorite IG accounts, @pocketfuel, and HAD to share!

"Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose."

- Proverbs 18:21 (MSG) . We can sometimes be convinced that the secret password to living a wondrous life is a small three letter word: yes. And that whenever opportunity comes knocking at our door, we should always answer with it. . Tell me: how many times does opportunity knock on your door? It might be more than you think. . Friends Events Meetings Overtime Services Cleaning Listening Playing Exercising Learning Reading Shows Fun Dinner Lunch Breakfast Sickness Birthdays Chores . Saying yes to everything is to really say no to everything. . Who are you? What do you want? What have you been called to carry? . I know, these questions don't have quick, easy answers, and sometimes we have to say yes to a few things to realize that we should have said no. It’s a work in progress, and we should take note. . Learning how to say a gracious no to the invitations, opportunities, moments, tasks, ‘things,’ that are not for us (opportunity will come for anyone at any time) gives us the space and time to say yes to the things that are. . Saying no takes just as much trust as saying yes does. Sometimes walking away can be just as much of a leap of faith as walking on. Perhaps at times, even more so. . “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” (Prov 18:21 MSG). . What will it be? . Save your yes for the moments that resonate; the ones you are responsible for (like kids and sleep and health). So that when you say it, you can say it right down to your toes, and all the way up to your grays. . Because unless you say no to most things, you’ll never really be able to say yes to THE things and give yourself entirely to them. . Be kind and gracious with your “No.” It is a holy word, worthy of your respect and use. Use it kindly and humbly. It will make room for your best yes’s. . Written by @Lizzy.Milani.

Live loved.


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